
Honey bees are endlessly fascinating creatures. Beyond the captivating intricacies of their colony system and the delicious honey byproduct they produce, honey bees are also uniquely vital to our natural surroundings.

As pollinators of more than 300 fruit and vegetable crops in New Zealand, honey bees are an integral contributor to a sustainable natural environment. And yet, honey bees are dying at an alarming rate. Owing to disease, mounting exposure to pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, as well as continued habitat loss, honey bee colonies throughout the world are suffering unprecedented devastation. This decline is one of the single greatest threats to our natural environment today.

Our mission is to raise funding to re-home rescued bees and treat them for disease. The nasty Varroa Mite means that bees can no longer survive in the wild without the help of humans! If we left a swarm in the wild to fend for itself, it would eventually die because of Varroa. 

If you would like to donate you can be sure that 100% of your contribution goes back into re-homing bees and treating them for disease. 
